Arise and Shine

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1

The Coronavirus

Fear began to grip me when the news of the first few deaths, linked to the coronavirus (COVID-19), began to be announced in Britain.

As I began to fully comprehend the seriousness of the situation, with the entire country in lockdown, I became more fearful every passing day. I was anxious for my own, my husband’s and our children’s welfare, and loved ones – especially my elderly mum.

I was constantly thinking about what would happen and whether any of my loved ones would catch this virus.

Lessons from the Bible

This whole episode reminds me of the story of the children of Israel in Egypt, where they were held captive for 430 years.

The second chapter of Exodus enlightens us to the fact that up until that point, they had complained and moaned about the bondage, but when they cried out loud to the Lord, he heard their groaning. He, therefore, remembered His covenant with Abraham, which he made 430 years previously (vs 23-25).

So the question is, how is this story relevant to us today?

The Israelites had nowhere to go and no one to turn to for help. So to ensure their survival, they had to surrender to the ill-treatment of Pharaoh and the Egyptians.

This point may be relevant to you if you deal with an abuser during these uncertain times. You may feel that you are trapped. Or it could just be that because of your financial situation, or lack of it, you don’t have any option but to stay on in an abusive relationship.

The plagues

If you have been paralysed with fear or are anxious about the devastating effect of this virus, worried that you or your loved ones might catch it, again, we read Exodus chapters 7-11. When the Lord was about to deliver the children of Israel from captivity, He brought a certain number of destructive plagues upon the entire land of Egypt to judge them according to the number of their gods.

The first, second and third plagues, we believe, came upon both the Egyptians and the children of Israel. By the time it came to the fourth (Ex. 8:20-32) and later plagues – including the devastating death of all the firstborn of people and animals in Egypt, the Lord decided to make a difference between the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel dwelt.

The Lord showed that He was the God of the Israelites, that He is above all gods, and that He controls nature and everything on earth.

Are you fearful?

So, how has this sudden and unplanned change affected you for the person reading this? Are you perplexed and anxious like I was?

If you’re in an unhealthy home environment during this time, should your joy and strength be sapped from you?

How can one overcome this or any situation that may face us?

God is our Deliverer

We have been bought and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Irrespective of what’s happening, as children of the Living God, God has set His seal upon us, and He can deliver us from every adversity. The Bible says that “the blood of Jesus speaks of better things on our behalf” (Heb. 12:24).

Below, I have laid out some practical and spiritual steps to help us.

Practical steps
  • Realise and understand that you might not have control over every situation.

Often, we wish desperately for a situation or a ‘someone’ to change. When problems or people don’t change the way we expect, we become angry, discouraged and deflated. This discouragement translates into our everyday lives, where we can become overwhelmed with fear and anxiety, resulting in mood swings or possibly withdrawing into ourselves.

So, instead of allowing situations to have the better of us, it’s expedient to conclude that we will not always have the power, to stop some things from happening. Instead, we can decide to put measures to minimise their impact on our lives, especially if another person is causing that situation.

Psalm 46 says that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble”. No matter what the situation may be, acknowledge your frailty and ask the Lord for help.

  • Decide to create change.

Once you have recognised this and can see the situation for what it is, the next step should be to trust the Lord to make the right decision and that He will bring a lasting change (Prov. 3: 5-6).

For those in a hostile environment, it could simply mean that you decide to stop any person causing you pain and to have the better of you again.

If, for instance, you are fearful and full of anxiety, your change could be that you start taking things one day at a time, whilst you stop any negative and prolonged thoughts about what will happen tomorrow or in the future (Mat. 6:25-34)

For those suffering abuse, it could be that you begin to look at yourself positively and do not accept any negative words or behaviours aimed towards you that may cause you to think less of yourself. Most crucially, stop making excuses for your abuser’s actions or inaction towards you. 

  • Seek help from others.

Everyone needs one form of help from a different source apart from yourself. Having this help can boost your morals and assure you that you are not alone.

When someone finds themselves in this position, it is always good to reach out to somebody else for advice. The Bible says that “Where there is no counsel, the people fail; but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety” (Proverbs 11:1415:22 & 24:6).

Your trusted person could be a family member or a friend. You can also reach out to professionals or accredited organisations who deal with your type of need or may be able to signpost you to the proper organisation. You can always find details of organisations online.

In addition, whether you are a Christian or not, you can also get spiritual guidance from a local church – as long as they are part of a registered body.

If you think your life or anyone you know is in danger, it is strongly advisable to get in touch with the emergency services.

Spiritual steps

Beyond the practical steps, as Christians, our hope is found in no other but Christ, and we need to put our trust firmly in Him (Heb. 10:23). Through Him also, we have access to the throne of God, to obtain mercy and find grace, to help in our time of need (Heb. 4:16).

Therefore, I believe the following steps can help to do just that.

  • Know what the word of God says about your situation.

The Bible says that you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32). Also, Romans encourages us that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17).

Faith builds, and our minds are renewed by spending time in the word of God. Fear grows by feeding on all sorts of negative narratives that surround us.

Listening to and focusing our attention on negative narratives will worsen a person’s fear. But if you can know and understand the situation, it is imperative to familiarise yourself with what the word of God says to begin to take steps to obey.

When it comes to dealing with fear or anxiety, or any negative narrative about us, the Bible makes clear the mind of God concerning such, and Paul again encourages the Philippian church to meditate on such (Phil. 4: 8).

2 Timothy 1:7 says that “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Fear brings bondage, but faith brings freedom.

  • Believe the word of God about your situation.

It is not enough to know what the Bible says about a situation; it is more important that we believe what it says because “with the heart we believe unto salvation (Rom. 10: 8-9).

Seeking out and finding out what scripture says about our situation is a labour of love, but it is much more essential to believe in the word. Belief only comes by spending time in the word and asking the Holy Spirit to help us.

And “as you allow the Holy Spirit to change you through the word of God, you become transformed into his image, and you grow from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3: 4-18).

As you allow your mind to dwell more on the goodness of God and his word, you experience His peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:6-8Isaiah 26:3).

Therefore, whether it is a situation, or somebody causing you pain, fear or anxiety, it is essential not to feed into that negativity but rather make every effort to have faith in God by meditating on what the word of God says about you.

Meditation makes you begin to see yourself in the light of what you are constantly thinking about. But if you continuously meditate on the word of God, you begin to reflect His glory more.

  • Pray about your situation.

The book of Ephesians says that our fight is not against people but spiritual entities. Entities who may be behind issues and circumstances – thus creating havoc so that you are derailed and unable to achieve the purpose you were created for.

But we are encouraged that as we take on the armour of God – by reading, meditating, believing and confessing the word of God, we must also do one crucial thing, that is to pray. Paul recommends we pray with all kinds of prayer, in the Holy Spirit (6:10-20). We should spend some time praising, worshipping and praying.

As we do, God will destroy any arguments and everything in our minds that lift themselves against what the word of God has said about us —making every negative thought or feeling to be subject to and be in obedience to Christ (2 Cor. 10: 3-5).

Will you arise and shine?

At the beginning of this article, the primary scripture calls all God’s children to rise and shine in a broken world, and its failing systems.

The world needs you and me to rise and stand in the gap. But if we allow situations, or our problems to beat us down, who will rise and stand in the gap for our loved ones, community, and nation? The world needs the prayers of the saints more than ever before; we need to cry out for the mercy of God to reign in this situation.

More than that, people are dying everywhere. It is time for the Church of the living God to arise and pray for the salvation of many. It is not the time we allow Satan to have the upper hand. We need to rise and stand in the gap through prayer for nations and governments. We need God’s light to shine through this cloud of darkness that has permeated into every sphere of life.

Ask the Holy Spirit to make the word of God life-giving to you so that you can begin to experience a change in light of those words. It is the Holy Spirit who can make those words come alive in you to bring about your total deliverance from fear, insecurities, anxiety, and the like (John 6:63).

The world needs a different narrative to what we see unfolding before our eyes. You are a carrier of God’s glory (2 Corinthians 4:7-9); we are salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). Therefore the world needs to see Christ in us.

Arise and begin to shine for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! You are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His special people. God has called you to be His ‘representative’ on earth, and as His representative, to show forth His praise (1 Peter 2:9-10).

Do not let situations and circumstances have the better of you. Arise and Shine!

Remain blessed,


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